Gathering a group of thoughtful, engaged local Duxbury residents helped us push our "Library-as-Makerspace" ideas even further with a sense of community "buy-in."
A lively discussion ensued, much of which is shared here:
Links we showed include:
- Westport Library's 3D printer:
- Innisfil Library's Digital Media Lab - the business edition
- Duxbury Free Library PHILS first electronics workshop
- 3-D Printer
- Help with social media
- Building a web site
- Collaborating with the schools / different needs for different generations
- Gathering place
- Collaborate with service groups such as the Lion’s Club
- Fabrication lab w/ training and tinkering available
- Photography / dark room
- Place for projects to be worked on / mentoring avail.
- Setting for parents/children to go something together.
- Craft sale of handmade products / learn a business model.
- Opportunities to write / publish /
- Setting for parents/children to go something together.
- Use computers for instructions... step-by-step processes
- Hobbies... opportunity for feedback
- Provide subscriptions to expensive resources... journals, etc.
- Sharing resources: tools, equipment
- Getting the word out about what we have
- Publicity issues
- Taking things apart
- Small engine repair
- Women-centered training in mechanics
- Sewing for all ages - hand & machine
- Wood - turning
- Be a portal to larger institutions and databases
Things to Lend:
- Digital projector
- Ipads
- Artwork / posters
- Table & chairs for parties, events
- Podiums
- Audio equipment
- Guitar / musical instruments
- Tech stuff: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Makey-Makey
- Conservation & conversion equipment
- Sewing machines
- Watt’s up? Tells you how much juice your computer is taking
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